Friday, April 24, 2009

The Informers (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX


I quite enjoyed Aluisio's critique of the film. I did not agree with him on all of his points, but most definitely with the Altman criticism. My problem with the film was the lack of "style" or commitment to a "look". It just missed. Here you have all these elements to capitalize on to help you illustrate the '80's in LA and you choose "Raybans" as the center piece. So-o-o-o many pairs of Raybans, that it became laughable. My other problem was the loss of one of the presumed major characters at the Beverly Hilton "wake"...he just vanished from the story after his crying fest amongst his nonchalant coked-up buddies on the deck over-looking the infamous pool, with its cabanas. I did enjoy the portrayal of the music scene and the infiltration of the British band on that scene and his dark, complex self-destructive character...the actor was great! It appeared to me that Mickey Rourke shot his portion of the film in one afternoon (probably a long one). I thought the young actors were there prepared to give to the script, but there was a definite lack of cohesive representation of this rich period in LA. Mr Thornton and Miss Basinger seemed to give effortless performances that were on the verge of being memorable but did not quite hit the mark. I think that this film would have been a lot better with more time put into it. It appeared that the film maker was rushed in his efforts. I found him to be such a pleasant person at the introduction at Sundance that I believe that he is a talent to look out for, but for goodness sake, give him the time to produce his art!

Click here to watch the full movie online

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