Monday, April 13, 2009

Duplicity (2009) FULL MOVIE

Duplicity (2009) FULL MOVIE

IMDB RANK = 6.8/10

  • Watched: 1564 times

  • Uploaded by: Admin

  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


Julia Roberts working for the CIA and Clive Owen working for MI6 play competing undercover corporate high level top secret business spies who may or may not be conning each other. The movie shows us what lenghts mega corporations will try and go to keep their new product information out of the hands of their competitors. The spys in this case will not even acknowledge their relationship as a sly parallel to regular relationships. The implication here is that most people do not say or trust themselves in relationships, but as spies Julia and Clive have good reason to be wary. Multi continent travels, many plot twists and counter twists follow. The music is light locations are beautiful and evokes the Ocean's movies and fun is had by all even if you can't always follow the plot.

Closer co-stars Julia Roberts and Clive Owen reunite for Oscar-nominated director Tony Gilroys drama tracing the illicit love affair between two spies-turned-corporate operatives. The Cold War has thawed, and for CIA agents seeking to make an easy mint, the real money is in multinational corporations. CIA officer Claire Stenwick (Roberts) and Ray Koval (Owen) are both racing to secure the formula for a product that will bring untold wealth to the company that lands the patent first as the stakes begin to rise, and their passions start to flare. Meanwhile, their mutual employers, industry giant Howerd Tully (Tom Wilkinson) and trailblazing CEO Dick Garsil (Paul Giamatti) start resorting to some seriously underhanded tactics in hope of gaining an advantage over the competition. Loners by definition of their own careers, Claire and Ray engage in a series of schemes and double-crosses while contending with the fact that their mutual attraction could ultimately jeopardize their entire missions.

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