Friday, April 24, 2009

Obsessed (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX


I know I am included in the many people who go on and on about Hollywood constantly cranking out drivel over and over again but why? Why does Hollywood do this? Well it is because many people pay to see it and those of us who complain about this product do not go around shelling out our hard-earned money for this crap but many of you support this; you know who you are. I think…no, I know that it will only get worse. Most movies nowadays are really no longer about being story driven; however it's more and more commercialized garbage of who can sell the most tickets. Well you and I know that most of the demographic that goes to the movies are teenagers and it is no speculation that many of them do not care about character and/or dialogue driven or intricately plotted films. No this is fast food, talk show entertainment; no thought required. In this case, we have this weekend's bad movie called Obsession, well there is another one called Fighting which is a Never Back Down Fight Club, but that is for another page. By the look of the movie poster, I initially thought it would be something directed straight to DVD but no sadly it is not. I guess this is mostly for people who don't even remember Fatal Attraction and geared toward mostly the Lifetime audience.

Plot, let's see, successful Idris Elba receives huge promotion at some company he works for (does it matter what?), is happily married to Beyonce and they have a nice house with a white-picket fence out in the suburbs. It's the American dream come true, right? But no wait, there's a new temp in the office (Ali Larter) and the two of them hit it off but only after he gives her a snotty look with the remark, "You're a temp?" and they go out to a flashy glitzy club and share drinks and before you know it, they're all over each other right away. There is no nudity or explicit sex involved; well it's PG-13 so it's very tame. There's just a lot of groping and grinding, sorry boys. So during throughout the middle, Ali Larter becomes, well…Obsessed and Idris has a hard time confessing his affair but finally does after Ali's escalating bizarre behavior but not too bizarre, this is PG-13 folks. Then Beyonce becomes more and more frustrated. Plus the fact that she knows whom he has slept with because they met earlier in the movie. Oh Beyonce is going to take her down, at least she's says so because Idris doesn't want to take full control of the situation fearing that this could possibly destroy what he has worked oh so hard for.

Then there's the howling, scathing catfight between Ali and Beyonce, whoo-hoo!!! Little blood is shown, remember this is PG-13 and everything ends on a happy note and all is forgiven. Could this be a social commentary on race relations? Hardly. Also, there are many people talking about a possible "big twist". No, no twist. Believe me, if there were, it would be advertised totally differently, like the movie's tagline would be something like, "Who's doing what to whom?" in such the dramatic voice. Yeah go suckers, give 'em your money.

Click here and watch full movie online

Fighting (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX


In Fighting, the NYC underground boxing scene is a kind of moveable feast where everyone keeps bumping into one another. Shawn calls it fate; you could call it Teen Fight Club, because they run in such a tight circle they might as well all be attending the same high school. On the same night Shawn again encounters Zulay, he exchanges evil glares with Evan Hailey (Brian White), the acknowledged superstar of the extreme fighting scene. Evan wrestled on the same team with Shawn in college until Shawn had a major blow-out with his father, who was coaching the team.

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The Soloist (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX


(Per an advance preview:) JAMIE FOXX does a fantastic job playing a homeless guy in Los Angeles who was once a gifted musician at Julliard who later developed various schizophrenic & emotional problems as he wanders the rough streets. This film tells the true story of how a local newspaper columnist (finely played by ROBERT DOWNEY JR.) chances to meet Foxx, writes about his story, and his many efforts to try to make life EASIER for him-- by encouraging him to return to playing the cello, to find a safer and better place to live and to interact with other homeless people. Because of the difficulties inherent in Foxx's psyche, his ramblings & recurrent departures from reality, Downey has a frequently tricky and demanding time in dealing with him and others in his life (including his ex-wife & co-worker CATHERINE KEENER). The film effectively portrays the young Foxx, his growth and his later descent into a life filled with problems. It's not always easy to deal with, but it's uplifting seeing the progress that the homeless and otherwise disadvantaged can make.

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Mutant Chronicles (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX


It's the year 2707. Earth's natural resources have been exhausted by mankind. Battle rages between the soldiers of four leading Corporations: the Capitol, Bauhaus, Mishima and Imperial.

Mitch Hunter and Nathan Rooker, battle hardened Capitol soldiers, fight a desperate battle against a Bauhaus advance. When an errant shell destroys an ancient stone seal, they find themselves facing a new enemy: hideous necromutants, with boneblades that grow from their arms. Mitch barely manages to escape. Nathan does not.

The mutants multiply by millions and they destroy all before them. The Corporations' leader, Constantine, is about to abandon the planet and leave countless innocents to their desperate fate, when he is approached by Brother Samuel, leader of the Brotherhood, an ancient monastic order.

Samuel is the keeper of the Chronicles, a book that prophesies both the rise of the Mutants, and of the 'Deliverer' that will destroy them. Samuel believes he is that Deliverer destined to journey deep into the earth and destroy the source of the mutant scourge.

He manages to recruit Mitch, along with a handful of like-minded soldiers: Steiner, honor bound Bauhaus officer; sword wielding Severian; street fighter El Jesus; fearless beauty Duval; and stoic warrior Juba.

"Mutant Chronicle" follows Mitch and Samuel's mission to venture into the very heart of the darkness in an attempt to save the planet from marauding hordes of deathless mutants.

Click here to watch full movie online

The Informers (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX


I quite enjoyed Aluisio's critique of the film. I did not agree with him on all of his points, but most definitely with the Altman criticism. My problem with the film was the lack of "style" or commitment to a "look". It just missed. Here you have all these elements to capitalize on to help you illustrate the '80's in LA and you choose "Raybans" as the center piece. So-o-o-o many pairs of Raybans, that it became laughable. My other problem was the loss of one of the presumed major characters at the Beverly Hilton "wake"...he just vanished from the story after his crying fest amongst his nonchalant coked-up buddies on the deck over-looking the infamous pool, with its cabanas. I did enjoy the portrayal of the music scene and the infiltration of the British band on that scene and his dark, complex self-destructive character...the actor was great! It appeared to me that Mickey Rourke shot his portion of the film in one afternoon (probably a long one). I thought the young actors were there prepared to give to the script, but there was a definite lack of cohesive representation of this rich period in LA. Mr Thornton and Miss Basinger seemed to give effortless performances that were on the verge of being memorable but did not quite hit the mark. I think that this film would have been a lot better with more time put into it. It appeared that the film maker was rushed in his efforts. I found him to be such a pleasant person at the introduction at Sundance that I believe that he is a talent to look out for, but for goodness sake, give him the time to produce his art!

Click here to watch the full movie online

Twilight (2008) FULL MOVIE DIVX


Don't spend your time comparing it to the book. If you just sit there comparing the book and the movie, you'll take the fun out of the movie itself. If you are a book reader, reading Midnight Sun really helps understand Edward's reactions and such. This is the best movie I've seen that has stayed the closest to the book as much as it could. I do understand why they made a few changes to please some of the moviegoers who haven't read the book. It ties things in a different but acceptable way. I loved how they interpreted the book. I understand that it was a teen movie so of course there was a little cheesiness at times. But hey, the book is geared towards a teen audiences regardless of the wide age range that actually reads it. I think Summit did a good job and should make New Moon.

Click here to watch the movie

Friday, April 17, 2009

Crank: High Voltage (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = Not ranked yet


Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of electricity to keep working.

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17 Again (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 6.3/10


Popular high school senior Mike O'Donnell (Zac Efron) seemingly has it all. He is a star athlete headed straight for a college scholarship when he decides to give it up to settle down with his high school girlfriend Scarlet is pregnant.

Twenty years later, an adult Mike (played by Matthew Perry) finds his life is not exactly what he expected. He is separated from his wife, Scarlett (Leslie Mann) and living with his wealthy software genius nerd and best friend Ned Freedman (Thomas Lennon), his career at a pharmaceutical company is at a stand still, and his relationships with his teenage children are nonexistent. After getting passed up for yet another promotion at work, he returns to his high school to reminisce over his basketball awards and the life he could have had. While he is reliving his glory days, he is approached by a janitor and shares with him how things were so much better when he was 17.

As Mike is driving home from the high school, he sees the mysterious janitor standing on the ledge preparing to jump into the Los Angeles River. Mike rushes out of his car to rescue him, but when he gets there, the janitor has vanished. What Mike doesn't realize is that he is about to fall into the river and turn into his 17 year old self.

Young Mike (Zac Efron) returns to Ned's house, where he has the difficult task of convincing Ned that he is in fact Mike. At a loss of what to do, Ned pretends to be Mike's father and they register Mike back in high school to finish the life he never had the chance to live.

High school presents a lot of new challenges for Mike, such as dressing cool, keeping up with the latest gadgets and making new friends. But nothing compares to being in high school with his own children. He discovers that his daughter, Maggie (Michelle Trachtenberg), is not nearly as innocent as he thought she was and his son, Alex (Sterling Knight), is the brunt of the star athlete's jokes.

But Mike's most difficult realization is that he hasn't been a very good father or husband. Mike befriends Alex and tries to instill him with enough confidence to join the basketball team. He gets close to Maggie's obnoxious boyfriend and does everything in his power to break them up. Most importantly, he visits an unsuspecting Scarlet and rediscovers all the things that initially made him fall in love with her. You don't know what you have until you lose it.

Through his experiences, Mike realizes that he had chosen the perfect life he just never appreciated it. Now, he must figure out a way to transform back into his older self and win back his wife and kids.

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State of Play (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = Not ranked yet


A petty thief is gunned down in an alley and a Congressman's assistant falls in front of a subway - two seemingly unrelated deaths. But not to wisecracking, brash newspaper reporter Cal McAffrey who spies a conspiracy waiting to be uncovered. With a turbulent past connected to the Congressman and the aid of ambitious young rookie writer Della Frye, Cal begins uprooting clues that lead him to a corporate cover-up full of insiders, informants, and assassins. But as he draws closer to the truth, the relentless journalist must decide if it's worth risking his life and selling his soul to get the ultimate story.

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Sleep Dealer (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 6.0/10


Memo (Luis Fernando Peña), a young Mexican, lives on a milpa in Santa Ana, Oaxaca with his family. Once, a river flowed through the milpa, which his father owns. But a few years ago, the Del Rio Water Company built a dam upstream. Now, residents of Santa Ana must pay $1/gallon to enter the facility and collect water.

In his spare time, Memo tinkers with discarded radio parts and builds an antenna to pick up voices from far away. One night, he overhears a transmission between Rudy (Jacob Vargas), a drone gunship operator, and his compatriots. His signal is detected, and tracked down to his family's shack in Santa Ana. Live on TV the next day, Rudy carries out a mission to neutralize an "aqua-terrorist intercept". As Memo and family watch on their TV, they soon realize that the target is the antenna on top of their shack. They run back to the shack, only to see it obliterated by a hovering drone gunship. As Memo's father crawls out of the building, Rudy gets confirmation that he is a known "aqua-terrorist", and Rudy fires a rocket at him, blowing him to bits.

Overcome with guilt, and needing to find a way to support what's left of his family, Memo takes the bus to Tijuana, the Mexican "city of the future". On the bus, he meets Luz (Leonor Varela), a freelance writer. He notices that she has "nodes", or data ports, on her arms (as does Rudy). He tells her vague details of his background. Struggling for material to make ends meet, she submits her memory of meeting Memo on the bus to an online memory-trading service. To her surprise, her story of Memo is purchased, and the buyer offers a generous amount for another story on Memo, this time with much more on his background.

Memo goes to a shady alley in Tijuana where "coyoteks" are known to hang out; they offer cheap, black-market installation of "nodes", which allow an individual to go online, which can provide economic opportunities. Memo intends to get nodes and work at Cybracero, a sweatshop virtual labor factory, where workers are connected and operate remote-control robots all over the world -- a form of cheap labor for the developed world. He is mugged by a con man instead.

Partially in order to gain his confidence, and partially because she likes him, Luz installs nodes for Memo. He makes relatively good money working for Cybracero, although the connections are not safe and equipment incidents can lead to serious disabilities. He sends some of his pay back to his family, who are amazed at how much he is making. Meanwhile Luz reports another memory of Memo, but her buyer complains she did not get the background info they asked for.

Luz gets closer to Memo and finds out about the milpa, the Del Rio company, and the death of his father. She relays this memory, and is paid handsomely. Later, Memo visits her and is let into her apartment by a neighbor; there, he sits at her console and discovers she has been selling memories of him. He leaves angrily.

The buyer of Luz's memories turns out to be Rudy, who has been having doubts about the Santa Ana operation. Having discovered the reality behind what happened, he takes time off work to cross the border into Mexico and meet Memo. He tracks down Memo and confesses that he was the drone operator that killed his father, but wants to make amends. Reluctant, Memo eventually accepts his help.

Luz and Memo sneak Rudy into Cybracero after hours, where Rudy connects to his Del Rio security network, taking command of his drone. His coworkers notice him coming on, and ask what's going on, and he tries in vain to deflect their curiosity. Eventually, we see that Rudy is piloting his drone to Santa Ana, and his coworkers, realizing he has gone rogue, give chase and try to shoot his drone down. The star drone operator manages to make it all the way to the Del Rio Water Company dam in Santa Ana, and he unloads his firepower onto it, reminding Memo of the times his father would feebly throw a rock at the concrete edifice. Rudy's drone is taken out, but the dam has been destroyed. On videophone back to his family, Memo's hears that the water is flowing again, and the town is celebrating.

Rudy, who can never go back to America, stays in the village outside Tijuana, selling water. Memo stays as well, but gives up sweatshop node labor for farming.

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American Violet (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 6.7/10


My stomach started to tense about 1/3 into this movie, and never stopped. I was in the GRIP of this story and social situation which was happening in our country only 8 years ago!! Powerfully acted, produced, edited with a message for all ages. I think this film will help to expose some of the terrible crimes we have been perpetrating in this "democracy".

This film subtly reveals the passivity of ordinary citizens exposed to a tyrannical local government, who keep their heads down and don't make waves. The cost of taking a stand is life-threatening. There are real heroes who realize that it is better to fight and lose against injustice than to submit and be victimized. The movie has an unusual realism while totally engaging us at the same time. I recommend it to all thinking people who care about tolerance and justice.

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Goodbye Solo (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 8.2/10


On the lonely roads of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, two men forge an improbable friendship that will change both of their lives forever. Solo is a Senegalese cab driver working to provide a better life for his young family. William is a tough Southern good ol' boy with a lifetime of regrets. One man's American dream is just beginning, while the other's is quickly winding down. But despite their differences, both men soon realize they need each other more than either is willing to admit. Through this unlikely but unforgettable friendship, GOODBYE SOLO deftly explores the passing of a generation as well as the rapidly changing face of America.

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Enlighten Up! (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 8.1/10


Filmmaker Kate Churchill is determined to prove that yoga can transform anyone. Nick Rosen is skeptical but agrees to be her guinea pig. Kate immerses Nick in yoga, and follows him around the world as he examines the good, the bad and the ugly of yoga. The two encounter celebrity yogis, true believers, kooks and world-renowned gurus. Tensions run high as Nick's transformational progress lags and Kate's plan crumbles. Ultimately, what they find is not what they expected.

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Is anybody there? FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 7.8/10


"Set in 1980s seaside England, this is the story of Edward, an unusual ten year old boy growing up in an old people's home run by his parents. Whilst his mother struggles to keep the family business afloat, and his father copes with the onset of mid-life crisis, Edward is busy tape-recording the elderly residents to try and discover what happens when they die. Increasingly obsessed with ghosts and the afterlife, Edward's is a rather lonely existence until he meets Clarence, the latest recruit to the home, a retired magician with a liberating streak of anarchy. Is There Anybody There? tells the surprising, touching story of this odd couple - a boy and an old man - facing life together, with Edward learning to live in the moment and Clarence coming to terms with the past."

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Every Little Step (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 4.5/10


"A Chorus Line," as most everybody knows, is about auditions. "Every Little Step" is a documentary about auditioning for "A Chorus Line" (which is about auditions, see?).

Too clever by half? No, too too good - an absolutely terrific film, which combines Broadway history, closeups of generations of artists, the suspense of many contests for the coveted spots in the cast, the triumph and heartbreak of "what they did for love," an introduction to and/or re-experiencing one of the seminal musicals of our time.

The late Michael Bennett's original production of "A Chorus Line" ran on Broadway for 15 years from 1975 on, was seen by six million people, it won a Pulitzer, nine Tonys, and many other awards. Subsequent productions have circled the globe.

It all started with an all-night session of dancers in 1974, invited by Bennett to talk about their lives. There was an open-reel recorder in the room, and the tape survived to this day. Excerpts from it, text that went right into the show, are heard in "Every Little Step," along with snippets of the original production, public appearances and conversations between Bennett and his colleagues, including the director/choreographer Bob Avian.

Interspersed with scenes from the origins and legacy of the show are the settings of the recent present as Avian and others - including the original "Connie," Baayork Lee, now the choreographer - are auditioning singers and dancers for the 2006 restaging of "A Chorus Line." The camera follows relentlessly the young hopefuls on and off stage, winners and losers alike in breathtaking Cinéma vérité.

In one unforgettable scene, the very young Jason Tam's audition with "Paul's monologue" (about a father's acceptance of his gay son) has all the hardbitten audition judges in tears, amazingly so as they have heard that text constantly for over three decades.

Another scene with "Cassie" dancer Charlotte d'Amboise's father - the great Balanchine star Jacques d'Amboise - is poignant as the aged and crippled dancer speaks glowingly of the power and beauty of ballet.

In the mix of dancers' real life, the show about it, the life and artistry of those auditioning for the roles, everything coheres into an affecting, fascinating, eventually deeply moving whole.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Into the Blue 2: The Reef (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = Not ranked yet


A pair of professional divers are hired to find Columbus' hidden treasure.

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Tyson (2008) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 8/10


As the former assistant manager of Mike Tyson I was shocked at the lies and fabrications Mike told in this movie. I was asked to screen this documentary by ESPN which owns the rights to most of the various Tyson fight videos used in the movie. I was more interested in what Mike had to say. The lies he told were: 1. He was always an addict 2. He was always an alcoholic 3. He always had demons 4. Managers Jacobs and Cayton signed him when he was underage 5. Managers Jacobs and Cayton were slave masters It is obvious that Mike's new manager, Harlan Werner, is just as devious as Robin Givens, Don King and Shelly Finkel, the people responsible for Mike going from being the world's most popular athlete (1987 European AP poll) to the bum of the century. In this film Mike completely ignores the period, 1985-1988. when he was a super hero with original managers Bill Cayton and Jim Jacobs. During that time he was the darling of corporate America as evidenced by his being hired to do network TV commercials for Pepsi Cola, Nintendo Video and Kodak Film. Not enough - he was hired by the New York City Police Department, the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration to do PSA's. The Police and FBI do not usually hire people to act as role models who are addicts or who have demons. (Please see link below for photos of these campaigns)

In this film Mike, when asked about Robin Givens, simply said he was too young to get married. He must have forgotten that he has already gone on record that she got him to marry him by saying she was pregnant when she never was.

Mike was interviewed by the New York Times before he went to Cannes for the debut of the movie. In the interview he told lie after lie about his life. Here is a link to the article: Here is the link to the letter I wrote to the Times that was printed: Two years ago, when I first learned that this movie was to be made I warned Tyson's manager Harlen Werner, director James Toback, as well as the producer of the film, Jeffrey Berg, that Mike would lie to protect himself from looking like a buffoon. I gave them specific details of what should be done to bring Mike back into the public eye in a very positive way. These details were: 1. Dump all the bums that surround Mike and replace them with an old friend of Mike's who recently retired from the FBI 2. Get rid of the insane facial tattoo - no questions asked. 3. Have the FBI friend pull some strings to get Mike to Iraq to do exhibitions for the troops for a period of 6 months. Exhibitions to include the opportunity for every man stationed there to get one minute in the ring with Tyson for fun. 4. After six months bring Mike back to the United States and begin doing fund raising exhibitions for Police Departments and Fire Departments. Mike's manager Harlen Werner ignored me completely. The reason - none of my suggestions would put money in Werner's pocket. And that is his only objective. My entire correspondence with Werner, director James Toback, the film's producers, as well as documents and photos proving Mike's huge hero status with Cayton and Jacobs may be found at this website: Steve Lott Mike Tyson Assistant Manager 1985-1988

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Butterfly Effect: Revelation (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 6/10


Sam Reed can travel back in time, and makes his living helping to identify killers to the police. The problem is that if changes anything, deliberately or accidentally, the "butterfly effect" causes history to change. When he returns to the present, things are often completely different and he has no clear memory of what happened in his new history.

His troubles begin when he "breaks the rules" by trying to help the sister of his murdered girlfriend find out who the murderer was, and ends up changing his own history. Every attempt he makes to fix the problems that occur create even worse problems, and each trip scrambles his memory even further and puts him in an even worse situation than before.

Can he solve the mystery before he loses his mind?

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Echelon Conspiracy (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 5.8/10


Mysterious cell phone messages promise a young American engineer untold wealth--then make him the target of a deadly international plot. Dangerous security operatives chase the engineer across the globe, while a powerful government official pursues a mysterious agenda that threatens the stability of the entire world

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Observe and Report (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX



At the Forest Ridge Mall, head of security Ronnie Barnhardt patrols his jurisdiction with an iron fist, combating skateboarders, shoplifters and the occasional unruly customer while dreaming of the day when he can swap his flashlight for a badge and a gun. His delusions of grandeur are put to the test when the mall is struck by a flasher. Driven to protect and serve the mall and its patrons, Ronnie seizes the opportunity to showcase his under appreciated law enforcement talents on a grand scale, hoping his solution of this crime will earn a coveted spot at the police academy and the heart of his elusive dream girl Brandi, the hot make-up counter clerk who won't give him the time of day. But his single-minded pursuit of glory launches a turf war with the equally competitive Detective Harrison of the Conway Police, and Ronnie is confronted with the challenge of not only catching the flasher, but getting him before the real cops do.

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Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) DIVX



Miley Stewart has always had the best of both worlds. She always got what she wanted. After having a shoe fight with Tyra Banks, her dad decides to take her where she never thought she would be taken to: Tennessee. He gives her the chance to be Hannah Montana for awhile and to learn what family is all about. While there, she meets a new love interest and makes a decision that will change her life forever. Does she want to be Hannah Montana anymore?

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Slumdog Millionaire (2008) DIVX



The story of Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much? Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local gangs, and of Latika, the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show's questions. Each chapter of Jamal's increasingly layered story reveals where he learned the answers to the show's seemingly impossible quizzes. But one question remains a mystery: what is this young man with no apparent desire for riches really doing on the game show? When the new day dawns and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and sixty million viewers are about to find out. At the heart of its storytelling lies the question of how anyone comes to know the things they know about life and love.

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Watchmen (2009) DIVX



In a gritty and alternate 1985 the glory days of costumed vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government crackdown, but after one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered an investigation into the killer is initiated. The reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so discover a deeper and far more diabolical plot. Written by evan murphy

"Watchmen" is set in an alternate 1985 America in which costumed superheroes are part of the fabric of everyday society, and the "Doomsday Clock" - which charts the USA's tension with the Soviet Union - is permanently set at five minutes to midnight. When one of his former colleagues is murdered, the washed up but no less determined masked vigilante Rorschach sets out to uncover a plot to kill and discredit all past and present superheroes. As he reconnects with his former crime-fighting legion - a ragtag group of retired superheroes, only one of whom has true powers - Rorschach glimpses a wide-ranging and disturbing conspiracy with links to their shared past and catastrophic consequences for the future. Their mission is to watch over humanity... but who is watching the Watchmen?" Written by T-Hen

A group of heroes, forced into retirement a decade before are called together once again to investigate the murder of one of their own. What they discover an age-old conspiracy to change the balance of power in a world not different from our own. Written by Kent Sanderson

Watchmen is a story set in an alternative 1985, where the world is ticking closer to the brink of nuclear war, and a plot to eliminate a band of ex-crime fighters is instigated, but why? and by whom? It is up to two of those ex-crime fighters to investigate the plot that seems to go beyond the unthinkable. Written by Ruckwood

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Race to Witch Mountain (2009) DIVX



During the opening credits, news of UFO sightings around the world appear.

Jack Bruno (Dwayne Johnson) is a cab driver in Las Vegas, who is picking up and dropping off passengers to the UFO convention at the Planet Hollywood Casino and Hotel. One of his passengers is Dr. Alex Friedman (Carla Gugino), a failed scientist who is giving speeches about legitimate scientific theories of UFOs and outer space.

The next day Bruno is approached by two large men telling him that Wolff would like to see him. After fighting them, Bruno drives off, later noticing two children, Sara (AnnaSophia Robb) and Seth (Alexander Ludwig) sitting in the back seat of the cab. They tell him they need to go to a certain destination and are willing to pay all they have ($15,000) to get there. They lead him to a run down house in the middle of nowhere. Meanwhile, Major Henry Burke (Ciaran Hinds) is searching for information on the two aliens that landed some days earlier.

When they arrive at the house, the children tell Bruno that they will be re-united with their relatives soon. Before leaving Bruno hears a crash coming from the house. He is startled to find them hiding behind a couch. Though grateful for his concern, the children tell him they must continue their journey without him, as they can trust no one. Nevertheless, Bruno decides to follow them, which leads him to the basement of the house. There the kids are pursued and attacked by a strange creature as they retrieve an object in a plant. They manage to escape from this creature.

When leaving they are attacked by a "Siphon", a creature built to destroy a certain targetin this case the children. The Siphon pursues them until it causes a crash of his spaceship into a train, the creature survives, though wounded. The trio eventually find themselves in a small town, hiding. They explain to Bruno that they are aliens from an distant planet, who are sent to Earth by their parents because the government of their dying planet intends to attack and invade Earth so that their kind may live on there. They also explain that the object they obtained at the house contains the results of an experiment which their parents set up. The research from this experiment will save their planet without having to attack and invade Earth. However their planet's military prefer the idea of invading Earth and sent the Siphon assassin to stop them. They are next pursued by government agencies trying to retrieve the children for experiments.

They are joined by Dr. Friedman at the UFO Expo, who is familiar with outer space and travel. When the Siphon arrives, it prepares to attack but Sara uses her powers to knock him through a wall. At first the children are captured along with Bruno and Friedman. Nevertheless the two humans escape and come to rescue the kids. The Siphon causes a distraction by attacking the base. They manage to free the children and reach their ship. By running the Siphon over they can escape but the Siphon hangs on and gets on board. Bruno and Seth battle the Siphon in the lower sections of the ship, unmasking him in the fight. Finally, Bruno defeats the evil alien by knocking him out of the ship's airlock, which kills him. Nothing is mentioned about the fate of Henry Burke, though he was last seen disappointed and upset for his failure and was talking to his boss on the phone, with a possibly of getting fired. The kids drop Jack and Alex off and after a tearful goodbye, they head back to their ship, but give Bruno and Alex a device that will allow the kids to always find them. And Sara gives Jack the power to use his brain to the mind reading ability.

During the end credits, Bruno and Dr. Friedman (now a couple) are speaking at a UFO convention about their new successful book called "Race to Witch Mountain". The last scene shows them driving off in a car Bruno dreamed of getting honestly as he had mentioned to Friedman earliera Ford Mustang similar to that driven by Steve McQueen in ''Bullitt''. As they are about to leave, the device the kids gave Bruno before they left goes off, indicating that they may be returning.

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Sunshine Cleaning (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX



Rose Lorkowski (Amy Adams) finds herself a single mother attempting to support her son Oscar (Jason Spevack) and her unreliable sister Norah (Emily Blunt) while working a mundane job as a maid. Once the head cheerleader in school with plenty of prospects, Rose now has little to show for her years, and while she still sees the former lead football player (Steve Zahn), it is little more than a despondent affair. When Oscar is expelled from public school, Rose takes a job as a bio-hazard crime-scene cleaner to help pay for a private education, and brings Norah on to help in her steadily growing business. As the sisters work to clean up the messes left behind by the chaotic lives of others, they must learn to reconcile their own differences and overcome a troubled past if they hope to prosper in their newfound venture.

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Adventureland (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX



Arriving with what prove to be outsized expectations for raucous humor on the basis of "Superbad," Greg Mottola's "Adventureland" unspools as a rather ordinary account of youthful summer misadventures that goes down easily thanks to a sparkly cast, more than 40 pop tunes that anchor the action in the late '80s and characters who get high both on and off their jobs at a tacky amusement park. Thanks especially to the presence of leading lady Kristen Stewart in a role she filmed prior to "Twlight," the pic should spin good returns for Miramax on its March 27 release.

Based on the experiences he had working at a Long Island amusement, Mottola cooks up a passable amount of mischief to occupy the late- teen/early-20s misfits who work as ride and game operators at Pittsburgh's Adventureland in the summer of '87. Writer-director's evident stand-in is James Brennan (Jesse Eisenberg of "The Squid and the Whale"), who's forced to take any summer job he can get when his European trip is dashed and his autumn date with grad school at Columbia is jeopardized by his alcoholic father's fall from grace at work.

For a Reagan-era pothead, James is a terribly serious, woefully earnest guy who offers up his SAT scores when applying for low-end summer positions. He also somehow has emerged from college still a virgin, but his saving grace as far as his Adventureland cohorts are concerned is that he's always has some weed. This makes the days go by easier, and also fuels the night, which the gawky James surprises himself by chastely spending with the alluring but massively screwed up Em (Kristen Stewart), who works at the park only as a way or getting away from her father and unbearable new stepmother.

What James doesn't know is that Em is having a clandestine affair with older local musician and handyman Mike Connell (Ryan Reynolds), to whom James sometimes confesses his amorous feelings for Em. Adding further to the equation is a flirty cupcake Lisa P. (Margarita Levieva), a known virgin-for-life who nonetheless encourages James' attentions.

The set-up provides plenty of opportunity for crude humor, Mottola indulges with abundant involving puking, groin pinches, drunk and stoned behavior, and lax work habits. But his real interest is the navigation of dubious emotional and ethical straits by immature characters who make serious mistakes while trying to feel their way out of their unhappiness.

The filmmakers' investment in James' sudden loss of a safety net, Em's justifiable distress at home, and brainy stoner Joel's (Martin Starr) fury over a one-time date's anti-Semitism is genuine as far as it goes, but little that happens here is particularly surprising, especially the occurrence of some virginity divestment at the end.

Rather off-putting at first with his furrowed-brow attitude, Eisenberg's James becomes increasingly palatable as the summer progresses. Stewart impresses again with her steady, clear-eyed gaze and sense of self. Nice comic turns are put in by Starr as the Gogol-reading outcast and Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig as the goofball but dedicated park owners.

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12 Rounds (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX


Detective Danny Fisher (John Cena) is about to have the worst day of his life. A nearly untraceable internationally-known terrorist named Miles Jackson (Aidan Gillen) has kidnapped his girlfriend Molly Porter (Ashley Scott) and forced him into "12 Rounds" of dangerous games carefully plotted throughout the streets of New Orleans. Danny struggles to keep focus while the obvious ticking clocks and crude consequences that accompany each one of these "rounds" do their best to derail him from rescuing the love of his life before it's too late. The movie is 108 minutes long.

A New Orleans police detective's girlfriend is kidnapped. WWE champion John Cena is New Orleans Police Detective Danny Baxter. When Baxter stops a brilliant thief from getting away with a multi-million-dollar heist, the thiefs girlfriend is accidentally killed. After escaping from prison, the criminal mastermind enacts his revenge, taunting the cop with a series of near-impossible puzzles and tasks 12 rounds that Baxter must somehow complete to save the life of his fiancée.

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Dragonball Evolution (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX


The story begins with Goku, who seeks out upon his adoptive grandfather Grandpa Gohan's dying request to find the great Master Roshi and gather all seven Dragon Balls. Of which he has one, in order to prevent the evil Lord Piccolo from succeeding in his desire to use the Dragon Balls to take over the world. And Goku's quest is to obtain the mystical Dragonballs before Piccolo does.

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Fast & Furious 4 (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX



Heading back to the streets where it all began, two men rejoin two women to blast muscle, tuner and exotic cars across Los Angeles and floor through the Mexican desert. When a crime brings them back to L.A., fugitive ex-con Dom Toretto reignites his feud with agent Brian O'Connor. But as they are forced to confront a shared enemy, Dom and Brian must give in to an uncertain new trust if they hope to outmaneuver him. And from convoy heists to precision tunnel crawls across international lines, two men will find the best way to get revenge: push the limits of what's possible behind the wheel.

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) WORKPRINT FULL MOVIE

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) WORKPRINT FULL MOVIE DIVX

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IMDB RANK = Not released yet

  • Watched: 5698 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


Wolverine lives a mutant life, seeks revenge against Victor Creed (who will later become Sabretooth) for the death of his girlfriend, and ultimately ends up going through the mutant Weapon X program.

Hugh Jackman reprises the role that made him a superstar as the fierce fighting machine who possesses amazing healing powers, retractable claws and a primal fury. Leading up to the events of X-Men, X-Men Origins: Wolverine tells the story of Wolverine's epically violent and romantic past, his complex relationship with Victor Creed, and the ominous Weapon X program. Along the way, Wolverine encounters many mutants, both familiar and new, including surprise appearances by several legends of the X-Men universe whose appearances in the film series have long been anticipated.

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The Haunting in Connecticut (2009) FULL MOVIE

The Haunting in Connecticut (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 5.9/10

  • Watched: 5831 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


Based on a true story, The Haunting in Connecticut charts one family's real-life encounter with the dark forces of the supernatural. When the Campbell family moves to upstate Connecticut, they soon learn that their charming Victorian home has a disturbing history: not only was the house a transformed funeral parlor where inconceivable acts occurred, but the owner's clairvoyant son Jonah served as a demonic messenger, providing a gateway for spiritual entities to crossover. Now unspeakable terror awaits when Jonah, the boy who communicated with the dead, returns to unleash horror on the innocent and unsuspecting family. Written by Lionsgate

The true story of a family forced to relocate near a clinic where their teenage son was being treated for cancer. The family begins experiencing violent, supernatural events that the parents first blame on stress from the illness, but they later discover that their new home is a former mortuary with a dark past.

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Role Models (2008) FULL MOVIE

Role Models (2008) FULL MOVIE

IMDB RANK = 7.4/10

  • Watched: 5831 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending

Danny and Wheeler, well into their 30s, lack something: Danny feels stuck; he's sour and has driven away his terrific girlfriend. Wheeler chases any skirt he sees for empty sex. When they get in a fight with a tow-truck driver, they choose community service over jail and are assigned to be big brothers - Danny to Augie, a geek who loves participating in a weekend Medieval reenactment society, and Wheeler to Ronnie, a pint-size foul-mouthed kid. After a rocky start, things start to go well until both Danny and Wheeler make big mistakes. Can the two men figure out how to change enough to be role models to the boys?

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Punisher: War Zone (2008) FULL MOVIE DIVX

Punisher: War Zone (2008) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 6.4/10

  • Watched: 6529 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


Infamous vigilante, anti-hero Frank Castle (Ray Stevenson) is six years into his vengeance driven zeal as the Punisher when he brutally assaults a "beat the rap" party for notorious mob boss Gaitano Cesare. During the course of the massacre, he hideously disfigures overeager gangster Billy Russoti (Dominic West) and murders a mafia lackey who turns out to be an undercover FBI agent.

Agent Paul Budiansky (Colin Salmon), the ex-partner of the undercover Fed, joins the NYPD's "Punisher Task Force" to help bring Castle to justice, once and for all.

A facially mutilated Russoti recovers from his run-in with the Punisher with revenge on his mind and recruits a massive army of psychotic killers, gangbangers, and mobsters under his new alias "Jigsaw."

Distraught that he has now become the very evil he swore to battle, Castle is content to hang up his guns and quit the justice business for good. However, plans quickly change once he learns that Jigsaw has not only kidnapped the surviving wife and child of the dead federal agent but now has also freed his commited psychopathic brother, James (Doug Hutchison)...aka..."Loony Bin Jim."

Forced back into the war, the Punisher now has to face off against Jigsaw's formidable army in order to save the lives of an innocent family his actions put in the firing line "Clock's ticking."

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Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 5.5/10

  • Watched: 3412 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


Paul Blart is a mild-mannered, dutiful family man who works as a security guard in a New Jersey mall. For years, he has applied to become a cop, but he always fails the physical exam because he is overweight. One day, a gang of organized criminals put the mall under siege and take hostages. Blart becomes trapped inside, and because of his sense of duty, refuses to leave. He thus becomes the police department's eyes on the inside and attempts to stop the criminals on his own.

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Monsters vs. Aliens (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

Monsters vs. Aliens (2009) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 7.3/10

  • Watched: 7238 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


When a meteorite from outer space hits a young California girl named Susan Murphy and turns her into a giant monster, she is taken to a secret government compound where she meets a ragtag group of monsters also rounded up over the years. As a last resort, under the guidance of General W.R. Monger, on a desperate order from The President, the motley crew of Monsters is called into action to combat the aliens and save the world from imminent destruction!

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IMDB RANK = 7.2/10

  • Watched: 6587 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


After their wedding, newspaper writers John and Jennifer Grogan move to Florida. In an attempt to stall Jennifer's "biological clock", John gives her a puppy. While the puppy Marley grows into a 100 pound dog, he loses none of his puppy energy or rambunctiousness. Meanwhile, Marley gains no self-discipline. Marley's antics give John rich material for his newspaper column. As the Grogans mature and have children of their own, Marley continues to test everyone's patience by acting like the world's most impulsive dog.

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Madea Goes to Jail (2009) FULL MOVIE

Madea Goes to Jail (2009) FULL MOVIE

IMDB RANK = 2.8/10

  • Watched: 568 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


At long last, Madea returns to the big screen in TYLER PERRY'S MADEA GOES TO JAIL. This time America's favorite irreverent, pistol-packin' grandmomma is raising hell behind bars and lobbying for her freedom...Hallelujer!

After a high-speed freeway chase puts Madea (TYLER PERRY) in front of the judge, her reprieve is short-lived as anger management issues get the best of her and land her in jail. A gleeful Joe (TYLER PERRY) couldn't be happier at Madea's misfortune. But Madea's eccentric family members the Browns (DAVID and TAMALA MANN) rally behind her, lending their special "country" brand of support.

Meanwhile, Assistant District Attorney Joshua Hardaway (DEREK LUKE) is on the fast track to career success. But Hardaway lands a case too personal to handle - defending young prostitute and former drug addict Candace Washington (KEISHA KNIGHT PULLIAM) - and asks his fiancée and fellow ADA Linda Holmes (ION OVERMAN) to fill in on his behalf. When Candace ends up in jail, Madea befriends the young woman, protecting her in a "motherly" way as only Madea can.

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Knowing (2009) FULL MOVIE

Knowing (2009) FULL MOVIE

IMDB RANK = 7.0/10

  • Watched: 2658 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


The film opens in Lexington, Massachusetts in 1959, where a competition is held among the students of a new elementary school to celebrate its opening. The winning plan, from student Lucinda Embry, a seemingly mental disorder/mentally disturbed girl, is to bury a time capsule containing the students' drawings of the future to be opened 50 years later in 2009. She is prevented from finishing her image, which is actually a series of seemingly random numbers, and goes missing during the ceremony. Her teacher later finds her in a gym closet, frantically scratching the remaining numbers into the door. Fifty years later, the time capsule is opened and the pictures are handed down to the new generation of students. Caleb, the son of MIT professor and astrophysics|astrophysicist John Koestler, receives Lucinda's envelope. Initially dismissing them as random numbers, John notices a single random number sequence, 911012996, which contains the date of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks|World Trade Center attacks as well as the death toll of the attack. Further research leads John to realise the numbers are a list contain the dates and death tolls of every major disaster, natural and man made, that has happened over the past 50 years, with three that have not occurred yet...

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I Love You, Man (2009) FULL MOVIE

I Love You, Man (2009) FULL MOVIE

IMDB RANK = 8.0/10

  • Watched: 1564 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


In I Love You, Man, a comedy from John Hamburg (Along Came Polly, co-writer of Meet The Parents, Meet The Fockers, Zoolander), Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd, Knocked Up The 40 Year Old Virgin) is a successful real estate agent who, upon getting engaged to the woman of his dreams, Zooey, (The Offices Rashida Jones), discovers, to his dismay and chagrin, that he has no male friend close enough to serve as his Best Man. Peter immediately sets out to rectify the situation, embarking on a series of bizarre and awkward man-dates, before meeting Sydney Fife (Jason Segel, Forgetting Sarah Marshall), a charming, opinionated man with whom he instantly bonds. But the closer the two men get, the more Peters relationship with Zooey suffers, ultimately forcing him to choose between his fiancée and his new found bro, in a story that comically explores what it truly means to be a friend.

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Duplicity (2009) FULL MOVIE

Duplicity (2009) FULL MOVIE

IMDB RANK = 6.8/10

  • Watched: 1564 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


Julia Roberts working for the CIA and Clive Owen working for MI6 play competing undercover corporate high level top secret business spies who may or may not be conning each other. The movie shows us what lenghts mega corporations will try and go to keep their new product information out of the hands of their competitors. The spys in this case will not even acknowledge their relationship as a sly parallel to regular relationships. The implication here is that most people do not say or trust themselves in relationships, but as spies Julia and Clive have good reason to be wary. Multi continent travels, many plot twists and counter twists follow. The music is light locations are beautiful and evokes the Ocean's movies and fun is had by all even if you can't always follow the plot.

Closer co-stars Julia Roberts and Clive Owen reunite for Oscar-nominated director Tony Gilroys drama tracing the illicit love affair between two spies-turned-corporate operatives. The Cold War has thawed, and for CIA agents seeking to make an easy mint, the real money is in multinational corporations. CIA officer Claire Stenwick (Roberts) and Ray Koval (Owen) are both racing to secure the formula for a product that will bring untold wealth to the company that lands the patent first as the stakes begin to rise, and their passions start to flare. Meanwhile, their mutual employers, industry giant Howerd Tully (Tom Wilkinson) and trailblazing CEO Dick Garsil (Paul Giamatti) start resorting to some seriously underhanded tactics in hope of gaining an advantage over the competition. Loners by definition of their own careers, Claire and Ray engage in a series of schemes and double-crosses while contending with the fact that their mutual attraction could ultimately jeopardize their entire missions.

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Gran Torino (2008) FULL MOVIE DIVX

Gran Torino (2008) FULL MOVIE DIVX

IMDB RANK = 8.4/10

  • Watched: 9587 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


Walt Kowalski is a widower who holds onto his prejudices despite the changes in his Michigan neighborhood and the world around him. Kowalski is a grumpy, tough-minded, unhappy an old man, who can't get along with either his kids or his neighbors, a Korean War veteran whose prize possession is a 1972 Gran Torino he keeps in mint condition. When his neighbor Thao, a young Hmong teenager under pressure from his gang member cousin, tries to steal his Gran Torino, Kowalski sets out to reform the youth. Drawn against his will into the life of Thao's family, Kowalski is soon taking steps to protect them from the gangs that infest their neighborhood.

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IMDB RANK = 7.0/10

  • Watched: 4598 times

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  • Expires on: Unlimited

  • Duration: Pending


In northern Australia at the beginning of World War II, an English aristocrat inherits a cattle station the size of Maryland. When English cattle barons plot to take her land, she reluctantly joins forces with a rough-hewn stock-man to drive 2,000 head of cattle across hundreds of miles of the country's most unforgiving land, only to still face the bombing of Darwin, Australia, by the Japanese forces that had attacked Pearl Harbor only months earlier.

In 1939, the aristocratic Lady Sarah Ashley travels from Great Britain to Australia to meet her husband Maitland Ashley in northern Australia. The husband's drover comes to the city of Darwin to bring Sarah to their farm; however, when they reach Faraway Downs Farm, they find that Maitland was murdered. Sarah befriends Nullah, who tells her that the administrator Neil Fletcher is stealing her cattle; has killed her husband; and is working for the cattle baron King Carney. Sarah fires Fletcher and his men and together with Drover, Nullah and a group of loyal employees, they ride together to take the cattle to supply the army and win a tender in times of war. But the ambitious Fletcher has other intentions and uses Nullah to press Sarah.

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